

  • Event Type: Online
  • Audience Type: Developers, Indies, Recruitment, C-level, Marketing, Students, Creatives, Investors, Publishers, Tool Providers, Technical Teams, Media, Youtubers / Streamers
  • Find out more information on RoundTable: Publishing In China (Online)

The PocketGamer.Biz RoundTables series is a brand-new initiative, aimed at bridging the gap between the expert insight offered each day in PG.Biz articles and the awesome live experience of our PG Connects and PGC Digital conferences.

Every couple of weeks we'll be bringing together four or five leading industry experts in a specific field to discuss a pertinent subject, hosted by the PG.Biz team. We'll broadcast the live event for free to everyone who signs up - who can also interact and ask questions, then we'll follow up with some key points in an article and at some point make the video available on our PG.Biz YouTube channel.The next entry in this series will take place on July 14th with a discussion around Publishing in China, particularly now that Apple is set to remove games that don't have an approval number from the App Store at the end of the month.


Vivian Dong, senior publishing manager at Joypac

Owen Soh, founder of EastLab Consulting

Gabriel Meredith, CEO of Merfolk Games

Antti Orasvuo, business development manager at MyGamez

The panel will be moderated by editor Ric Cowley.

China remains a huge market for mobile, and one that developers are eager to get into, despite the high barriers to entry. So how does one go about publishing their game in China? What kinds of games are seeing traction in the region? What kinds of monetisation works best? And with Apple cracking down on unlicensed games, what can developers do to ensure their presence is still being felt in China?

All this and more will be covered in an insightful hour with global experts, all free and streamed online.

More online: coming soon!

This is a great opportunity to see, for free, the kind of expert content that regularly brings together at the Pocket Gamer Connects Digital conferences. These full, five day events bring together speakers and panellists from around the world to share knowledge and insight, as well as provide great networking opportunities.

The next full event from the team will be Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki Digital 2020 including partner event Blockchain Gamer LIVE! Digital #1 in September.

Meanwhile, every few weeks we'll share these standalone discussion RoundTables so you can gain valuable insight, and also discover the process of online panel discussions. Follow us on Eventbrite!

Future topics will include: The Death of IDFA, New Forms of In-App Advertising, and more.