

  • Region: Europe
  • Event Type: Conference
  • Audience Type: Developers, Indies, C-level, Creatives
  • Find out more information on Develop in Brighton 2014

The Develop in Brighton Conference is the number one event in the European games development calendar. Learn from your peers and share your own experiences, hear from renowned gurus and the brightest indie newcomers, and get up-to-date with the latest tools and techniques of leading game developers.

Our conference programme is shaped by some of the industry's key figures and covers every level of the game development community, from indies to mega-studios, business managers to graphic artists. Whether you're dedicated to making hay on the new consoles, new kinds of games for VR headsets, or simply new contacts (as well as catching up with old ones!) Develop in Brighton is the one place you must be this July.

Our three-day event covers all the important areas of interest for game developers, and is carefully organised across Design, Art, Coding, Business, Marketing, Audio, and Production tracks. There's also a day devoted to new breakthrough technologies and a dedicated Indie Developer's Day.

Tuesday 8 July sees the return of our legendary agenda setting Evolve conference, zeroing in on the cutting-edge of game development.

Wednesday 9 July is the opening day of the main Develop in Brighton conference. It tackles the issues, tools, tricks and techniques that today's game developers must grapple with, and provides practical advice and solutions that you can take back to your studio.

Thursday 10 July sees the Develop in Brighton conference continue, with the addition of the Audio Track – a full suite of sessions dedicated to game audio and music. Thursday also sees the return of our popular Indie Dev Day. Now into its fourth year, the Indie Day is aimed squarely at independent developers with tailored sessions, indie networking opportunities, and an Indie DevShowcase of some of the best new indie projects currently in the works.

How to get to Develop in Brighton 2014