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Top Tweets: WWDC is this week's hot trend...

...while back at home, the PSPgo backlash begins
Top Tweets: WWDC is this week's hot trend...

Just as the week before last's tweets were distinctly E3 flavoured, last week's tweets began and ended with a little known San Francisco event called WWDC (otherwise known as the World Wide Developers Conference otherwise known as Disney Land for Apple fanatics).

Three of Pocket Gamer's brave front-liners spent the week bravely tweeting from the frontline, in the land of the brave.

They managed to make a few friends along the way, too, who wasted no time in getting their micro-blog replies onto our cosy little Twitter channel.

Sandwiched between these nomadic missives from afar were all the usual twitteriffic posts about the pocket gaming day to day.

So if you're interested in pocket gaming in any way, shape or form (which let's face it, you probably are if you are reading this) then a subscription to our channel will do you no harm and Pocket Gamer no end of good.

Read on for the full breakdown.

6:31 AM Jun 7th from web

JonJ: the pocketgamer strikeforce for #wwdc is forming up. Two ready, one still to come

5:47 PM Jun 7th from web

Spanner: Real Racing is due for release, so we tested out the wi-fi multiplayer mode. High speed, no lag. Oh, em, gee!

2:54 AM Jun 8th from TweetDeck

RT @handcircus: Just picked up my #wwdc badge. OMG apparently if I have to get there by 4-5am to get a space in the keynote. Ouch!

11:04 PM Jun 8th from web

Stu:ÊiPhone 3G owners will have to buy out their existing contracts with O2 to upgrade to an iPhone 3GS

11:31 AM Jun 9th from web

Fraser: iPhone podcast 24 arrives just in time to miss the 3G S unveiling. Ah well, at least it's got man-eating hoovers

11:35 AM Jun 9th from web

Fraser: It's official. Star Defense is awesome, we knew you wouldn't let us down ngmoco

12:40 PM Jun 9th from web

Stu:Êwhat do iPhone games developers think of the iPhone 3G S? We asked them!

6:19 PM Jun 9th from TweetDeck

JonJ: well that was a great night with @ngmoco @firemint @glu @gamevil @com2us @bightgames @iugo... Say what. Let's do it all again tonight

4:40 AM Jun 10th from TweetDeck

JonJ: #wwdc Hands on with Rolando 2 - we're loving this one

4:42 AM Jun 10th from TweetDeck

JonJ: The Pocket Gamer dev met was a huge success #wwdc. Great crowd and totally hot photo of Lydia @freeverse ; )

11:15 AM Jun 10th from web

Chris: Sat in the Istanbul sunshine on the virge of some summer schooling with the cream of the mobile games biz

11:17 AM Jun 10th from web

Chris: Saw Real Arcade's mobile and iPhone roadmap last! Looks like a good 6 months ahead for casual game fans on the go

11:19 AM Jun 10th from web

Although I can't even tweet about the specifics...pesky NDA!

10:29 PM Jun 10th from TweetDeck

JonJ: Apparently it's already cocktail o'clock in SanFran. I'm being saintly with afternoon tea however #wwdc

12:29 AM Jun 11th from TweetDeck

JonJ: #wwdc spoken in darken corners. what does ASC stand for?

1:38 AM Jun 11th from TweetDeck

JonJ: #wwdc shotgun in darken corners. Doom 3 comes to iPhone as Doom Resurrection

11:35 AM Jun 11th from TweetDeck

JonJ: #wwdc another great night out with @ngmoco @freeverse @aurorafeint @gamevil at least until the hotel fire alarm went off at 2.30am

3:49 PM Jun 11th from web

Fraser: iPhone 3G S development to cost 1.5 times more. It's still miles cheaper than PSP or DS costs though innit?

3:58 PM Jun 11th from web

Fraser: Apparently the PSPgo isn't a reaction to the iPhone. Just like its new motion tech isn't a reaction to the Wii

4:09 PM Jun 11th from TweetDeck

RT @handcircus: polish/bugfix/polish/bugfix/polish/bugfix/polish/bugfix/polish/bugfix/polish/bugfix/polish

4:23 PM Jun 11th from web

Fraser: Definitive proof that post Mega Drive, it's the handheld Sonic games that do the license the most justice

8:54 PM Jun 11th from TweetDeck

JonJ: #wwdc LiveFire is now KillTest. Hands on with the FPS action on iPhone

8:55 PM Jun 11th from TweetDeck

JonJ: Can you beat Trip Hawkins? And no, we don't mean with a stick. In Tower Bloxx Deluxe of course

9:14 PM Jun 11th from TweetDeck

RT @Fishlabs: WWDC: Just gave Jon from Pocket Gamer hands on Brawn GP F1 Racing for iPhone, check out the story tomorrow

9:20 PM Jun 11th from TweetDeck

JonJ: Vroom Vroom. Brawn GP iPhone exclusive is burning a hole in my pocket #wwdc

9:21 PM Jun 11th from TweetDeck

JonJ: Nintendo has "no plans" for a DSi Virtual Console Reggie tells Kotaku

10:20 PM Jun 11th from TweetDeck

JonJ: #wwdc Hands on - although perhaps hand off more appropriate - Mass Effect Galaxy iPhone

1:00 AM Jun 12th from TweetDeck

RT @Firemint: You can now enjoy your refreshing beverage in style with official Flight Control mugsÊ

9:25 AM Jun 12th from TweetDeck

JonJ: #wwdc exclusive First Look: Brawn GP Racing speeds towards App Store

2:13 PM Jun 12th from web

Spanner: Xbox 360, Wii and PS3 need to watch the iPhone if they want to stay in the game. So says Pocket Gamer

6:39 PM Jun 12th from Tweetie

PGbizMore iPhone gaming stats than you can shake a stick at

1:57 AM Jun 13th from twidroid

JonJ: almost done at #wwdc but just seen some super secret and v neat stuff for Q3. There are somw ambitious new players out there

10:20 AM Jun 13th from web

Fraser: despite sleeping in, I've just managed to nail our desired facebook username. Visit us @

1:14 PM Jun 13th from twidroid

JonJ: okay, fairly toasted. 6am flight out of SFO getting into MCR 24hr GMT hours later. Already missed taxi. Good start huh,

8:11 AM Jun 14th from twidroid

JonJ: team PG all back in various homes after a crack #wwdc. Well done everyone. Next year nail varnish will be mandatory