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Quality Index: The week's best iPhone games - Swordigo, Zuma's Revenge! HD

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Quality Index: The week's best iPhone games - Swordigo, Zuma's Revenge! HD

Every week, Pocket Gamer sister site iPhone Quality Index (iPhone Qi) highlights the newest games to make a critical splash in the cool, seductive waters of the iPhone pool.

Grabbing scores and opinions from all corners of the web, including from 148Apps, AppGamer, and Gamezebo, Qi answers all your iPhone-related questions before you've even asked them.

Today, we're going to focus on two new contenders vying to be crowned king of your iPhone. Both are worthy, but do they have what it takes to win your head, your heart, and your wallet?

Jump and swipe

Exploring the mystical realm of this week's iPhone Qi Top 10 is colourful RPG / platformer Swordigo.

Any Zelda fan worth his salt will be able to identify at least one of the inspirations behind this handsome 2.5D fantasy adventure.

Regardless of its roots, however, Touch Foo's genre mash-up of platform antics and RPG-style levelling-up seems to have touched a nerve with iPhone critics everywhere.

Bursting with magic, monsters, and, of course, sharpened metal, Swordigo may be just the thing to scratch that questing itch while you're out and about.


Blasting brightly coloured balls at the competition, meanwhile, is amphibious match-three puzzler Zuma's Revenge! HD.

You control an orally fixated frog who must clear the screen of stones by combining three or more of the same colour until the play area is clear.

Rather than throwing or rolling the stones to their desired destination, though, the frog achieves his goal by spitting a never-ending supply of the spheres out of his mouth.

With 120 levels and challenges to wrap your lime green lips around, Zuma's Revenge! HD will swallow your time, then spit it back in your face. Probably.

In Slide To Play's considered opinion, Zuma's Revenge! HD is "simple enough that anyone can pick it up and figure out the basics, but getting to the end and defeating that final boss will take more time and skill than you might think".

You can get the up-to-date information about which games are reviewing best over at the iPhone Quality Index.