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Quality Index: The week's best iPhone games - GoNinja, Pocket Planes

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Quality Index: The week's best iPhone games - GoNinja, Pocket Planes

Every week, Pocket Gamer sister site Quality Index (Qi) highlights the newest games to make a critical splash in the cool, seductive waters of the iOS pool.

Grabbing scores and opinions from all corners of the web, including from 148Apps, AppGamer, and GameDynamo, Qi answers all your iPhone-related questions before you've even asked them.

Today, we're going to focus on two new contenders vying to be crowned king of your iPhone. Both are worthy, but do they have what it takes to win your head, your heart, and your wallet?

Bushido blade

Streaking silently across the rooftops and into this week's iPhone Qi Top 10 is oriental endless-runner GoNinja.

Before your master died, he left you with a momentous task to complete: defeat the demon army responsible for his demise and avenge his death.

The problem is, there are 50,000 possessed samurai between you and spiritual equilibrium. The solution: draw your katana, start sprinting, and don't stop till you're the last ninja standing.

Luckily, there are a host of lethal special abilities to help you on your quest, and even the option to smash through walls and catch your foes unawares.

The folks over at TouchMyApps thought GoNinja deserved an honourable mention, deeming it a "solid example of what the genre is all about".

Welcome aboard

Coming in for a landing further down the iPhone Qi chart runway is airport sim Pocket Planes.

Having already conquered the world of tower building, dev NimbleBit looked to the skies for inspiration for its next pixel-art adventure.

As the owner of your very own airport in Pocket Planes, you must build a fleet of airbuses capable of ferrying passengers and cargo around the globe.

Though the overall objective is simply to keep your planes flying and your money flowing, critics are finding these simple mechanics are more than enough to keep them glued to their iOS devices.

As Pocket Gamer's reviewer warns, Pocket Planes "sucks you into its simple routines and refuses to let go".

You can get the up-to-date information about which games are reviewing best over at the Quality Index.