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Friday Freebie

Going for the jugular and tearing freebies limb from limb
Friday Freebie

It was all quiet on the plains of the internet this morning while we prowled among the reeds, salivating at the prospect of chasing down one of the juicy freebies grazing obliviously in the distance.

Soon one of them heard a rustle, gave chase and we lurched powerfully into full forward pelt, bent on our target and not looking back until our jaws were clasped around its throat. After that, all became an outrageous scuffling riot of kicking legs, billowing dust and sated appetites.

Actually, that isn't really how it happened at all but it sounds a damn sight better than 'we sat in front of our laptop in our pants trawling through Google and eating Kellogg's Crunchy Nut straight from the box'. Even so, despite the process being less than dramatic, the spoils this week are especially magnificent.

For a start, the PSP gets to cast off its USB umbilical-like main-line to freebie goodness via a collection of sites that offer all sorts of great direct download content.

A great first visit (and worthwhile bookmark) is PlayStation Store Portable (just point your PSP browser to, which looks very cheekily like the new official PSP store but in much more PSP browser friendly guise. What's better is that a bunch of the more recent demos, such as Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow and Warhammer 40,000: Squad Command, can be downloaded straight to your Memory Stick, as well as loads of game related videos, wallpapers, themes and other bits and pieces.

If you're looking for something a little different, however, you might want to pay PSPwsf a visit. There you'll find loads of great flash games with sound and decent controls (Helicopter Drop is definitely worth a look), together with some flash videos (the one entitled 'Pong' is nothing short of genius). As always, everything is free and available to download or experience online.

For mobiles this week, meanwhile, we've come across a free demo for the latest release of Bomberman, which we very much enjoyed when we reviewed it. To get your hands on a taster of the world's cutest demolitions expert, just text BOMB to 63456 (operator data charges may apply).

And lastly the mother-load, the freebie you've all been waiting for. This week, DS gets the treat it deserves after months of nothing but homebrew applications and the occasional Japanese flash demo. It is a huge collection of downloadable demos, trailers, galleries and demonstrations. They can all be found here (although they are all legal, you will need to be packing a homebrew set up in order to run them).

We came across a similar freebie a while back but this one has all manner of more recent content related to games released in the last six months. If you're a bit clueless about how to get these up and running there's a very helpful Wikipedia article that explains exactly how to do it. Enjoy!

Okay, that's it for now. Time for us to get dressed and move from Crunchy Nut to cold leftover pizza. Remember to check through our Freebie archive for anything that may have passed you by and do click 'Track It!' to be sure to catch next week's batch.