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251 jobs now open in the global mobile games industry

The latest mobile games job vacancies
251 jobs now open in the global mobile games industry

The Jobs Board tracks exciting job opportunities in the mobile gaming space.

Here we find the latest openings in the industry, letting you know which studios around the world are looking to hire new talent.

We’ve listed the latest openings below – and remember, if you’re an employer it’s currently free to advertise on our Jobs Board.

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You can see all the jobs available on our Jobs Board here.

Or click through to see our list of open vacancies, broken down into Europe, North America and APAC locations. 

Jobs in Europe

Jobs in Europe

Denmark (2)

In Copenhagen, Unity is looking for graphics coders and a scripting team developer.

Finland (37)

In Helsinki, PlayRaven is looking for a senior game designer, a senior artist, a senior server programmer, and a senior programmer.
In Helsinki, Supercell is looking for a senior server engineer, a senior game artist and a senior game programmer.

In Espoo/Helsinki, Rovio has 19 job openings including for coders, animators, designers, producers and economy managers.
In Helsinki, Unity is looking for full-stack and mobile coders, UX designers, lead developers and project managers.
In Helsinki, Next Games is looking for game and server coders and a production lead.
In Helsinki, EveryWear Games - a new wearable games company - has put out a call on its website for a game artist, programmer, and designer.

Germany (44)

In Berlin, King has 14 vacancies, ranging from artists to coders and a design director.
In any major German city, Unity is looking for business development managers for Unity Ads.
In Hamburg, Goodgame Studios has 24 vacancies. 
In Giebelstadt, HandyGames has 5 vacancies for coders and game designers. 

Spain (47)

In Barcelona, King has 33 vacancies, including business development, localisation, customer support and back end coder.
In Barcelona, ZeptoLab has 14 vacancies for business development, advertising, product and marketing managers. 

Sweden (29)

In Stockholm, King has 25 vacancies, including producers, artist, HR, business development, animation and big data.
In Malmo, King has 4 vacancies for QA, level designers and business development.

UK (53)

In Brighton, Unity is looking for software engineers and business development managers.
In London, King has 24 vacancies, including back-end coders, business development, producers and big data and cloud experts.
In London, Nordeus is looking for Unity coders, UI, UX experts and a lead game developer.
In London, Plumbee is looking for a head of analytics and coders, including a game client engineer.
In London, BlueStacks is looking for a marketing intern.
In Leamington Spa, developer Kwalee has 22 open positions, ranging from coding, audio and artists, to marketing, QA and IT.

Looking to hire in this region? - submit your jobs here.

Jobs in North America

Jobs in North America

USA (36)

In San Francisco, Supercell is looking for a brand marketing lead, an offline media buyer, and an executive admin assistant.
In San Francisco, Unity has 10 job openings, ranging from technical support to operations, marketing and business development.
In San Francisco, Kabam has 14 vacancies, including for artists, data scientists, finances, server coders and social media managers.

In Boston, Unity is looking for a software test engineer.
In Bellevue, WA, Unity is looking for coders and managers for its Cloud services.
In Los Angeles, Kabam has 6 vacancies for artists and coders - web, graphics and gameplay.

Canada (5)

In Montreal, Unity is looking for QA coders.
In Vancouver, Kabam has 4 vacancies for artists, gameplay coders and designers.

Looking to hire in this region? - submit your jobs here.

Jobs in APAC

Jobs in APAC

Australia (7)

In Melbourne, Loveshack Entertainment is looking for a gameplay programmer. 
In Brisbane, Gameloft is looking for artists, designers, coders, business performance manager and a creative director. 

China (6)

In Shanghai, Unity is looking for a marketing director and a HR manager.
In Beijing, Kabam has 5 vacancies for artists, localisation, coders, production and live operations.

Looking to hire in this region? - submit your jobs here.

Korea (2)

In Seoul, Supercell is looking for a community manager.
In Seoul, Unity is looking for a field engineer.

Looking to hire in this region? - submit your jobs here.