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4 videos on the state of the British games industry, Brexit and how UK devs are finding success

Insights into the UK mobile games development scene
4 videos on the state of the British games industry, Brexit and how UK devs are finding success

So, you missed Pocket Gamer Connects London 2017, eh? Or you’re yearning for the videos of your favourite talks?

Well, yearn no longer. We have all the sessions available now for your viewing pleasure.

We’ve put together a list of the videos from the Brilliant Britain track right here, all just a few clicks away.

The sessions focus on topics such as the state of the UK games industry, Brexit and how developers are finding success in the country.

Covered in this set of videos you’ll find:

  • Charles Cecil: The state of Britain's games industry 2017
  • What does Brexit mean for UK game developers?
  • Creativity over stats: A viable approach to finding success on mobile
  • The evolution of the CSR Racing series

Click the link below to watch the videos.

Charles Cecil: The state of Britain's games industry 2017


Revolution Software CEO Charles Cecil discusses the history of the UK games industry's ability of fusing creativity with technology, and where the sector stands today.

What does Brexit mean for UK game developers?


Ukie's Jo Twists hosts a panel to discuss post-referendum concerns and examine possible opportunities for providing more support for the sector. The panel talks about Brexit in a constructive and honest way, airing concerns and possible issues that could affect games companies as well as hearing from companies on what they think is important for their businesses.
The panel inclues:
Jo Twist – Ukie (Chair)
Gary Bracey – Scary Puppies
Simon Byron – Curve Digital
Simon Hade – Space Ape Games
Alex Chapman – Sheridans

Creativity over stats: A viable approach to finding success on mobile


Nitrome MD Matthew Anal discusses the studio's approach to game development, including standout ideas that will garner its games free promotion.

The evolution of the CSR Racing series


A look at the evolution of the CSR Racing franchise, and the road to bringing console quality to mobile with the launch of CSR 2.

Discover more at Pocket Gamer Connects in person

Whew, that was a lot of sessions!

Want to get the inside track on other mobile games industry hubs? Well, as well as these videos and constant coverage on the site of course, we're bringing Pocket Gamer Connects to plenty more cities around the world!

On June 27th to 28th 2017, we'll be holding Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco!

Bit too far for you? Well, on September 19th to 20th 2017 we'll be hosting Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki.

Can't make either of those? Well you're in luck, we'll be bringing back Pocket Gamer Connects London in 2018 on January 22nd to 23rd.

We hope you enjoyed the videos, more of which you can find on the YouTube channel.

We look forward to seeing you at future events!