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Every online-only games industry conference and event happening in 2020

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Every online-only games industry conference and event happening in 2020

As more and more events are postponed or cancelled, the industry is turning to streaming services to provide new, online-only conferences.

It's not an entirely new practice - digital-only conferences have been around for a few years now - but it's a shift that will likely become more prominent in 2020 at least, and certainly in the coming years as we consider the impact travel has on the planet.

With new events springing up all the time, it's easy to lose track of who's hosting what. So we've decided to keep track of them in one handy list, right here on

We will be constantly updating this list as new conferences are announced. If you're hosting your own online conference and want to be included in our listings, please email our editor Ric Cowley at

And don't forget about Pocket Gamer's own online conference, Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #1, taking place on April 6th-10th 2020. Tickets are available now!

London Games Festival 2020

London Games Festival 2020

When: March 26th-April 6th 2020
Cost: Free

Another traditionally physical event turned digital, London Games Festival actually encompasses a multitude of different, smaller events, all of which will be available online.

For B2B readers, the most significant events include the Games London Business Hub, which allows ticket holders to chat with a range of industry experts all through a digital meeting space.

There's also the Games Finance Market, which will link up developers and investors who want to work together on the next big things.

On top of that, the event also encompasses such things as EGX Rezzed Digital, Now Play This, and the new, online BAFTA Games Awards. GDC fundraising event GDC fundraising event

When: 27th March-3rd April 2020
Cost: Free (donations welcome)

A major player in the online-only conference world, will be hosting a special week-long fundraising event to raise money for the GDC Relief Fund, designed to help smaller developers impacted by the postponement of GDC.

It will see talks hosted by developers from across the world, live-translated in the world's largest languages and available for free to everyone to watch. The organisers will be asking for donations throughout the week to contribute to the GDC Relief Fund.

On top of this, is also planning to put together a pay-what-you-want bundle of games to further its fundraising efforts, and it will be hosting a game jam, with entries being added into the games bundle.

Game Republic Business Event

Game Republic Business Event

When: April 2nd 2020
Cost: £50 (free for Game Republic members)

Game Republic, the largest professional games network in Yorkshire, is moving into online-only events with its own webinar on April 2nd.

The webinar will feature Arran Langmead of Epic Games,who will be talking about the latest opportunities with Unreal Engine and funding such as the MegaGrants. This will be followed by a live Q&A session hosted by Game Republic.

This is only the first online-only Game Republic event, too, with more webinars and online sessions promised over the coming months.

There is some mixed messaging around the event - while tickets do seem to be available for all, the official website states that it's for GR members only. Those interested in joining the network can find out more information here.

Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #1

Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #1

When: April 6th-10th 2020
Cost: $50-260

Pocket Gamer and Steel Media are known for our events around the world, but now we're experimenting with bringing our much-loved conferences direct to your screens with Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #1.

We already have talks lined up from the likes of Rovio, King, Super Evil Megacorp, Mixi, Sensor Tower, and many more across the week, alongside digital versions of our fringe events like Publisher SpeedMatch and Investor Connector.

Plus, we'll be hosting our very first online Big Indie Pitch, where indie developers get the chance to pitch their games to journalists and other members of the industry and receive immediate feedback, as well as potentially winning great prizes across our sites.

This could be the first of many online events from us, or it could be the one and only - we simply don't know right now. And it's something of a beta test for us, which is why we've priced it accordingly! But what we know for sure is that we'll be providing all the best parts of our conferences in a digital space, and you simply do not want to miss it.

Global Games Pitch 2020

Global Games Pitch 2020

When: April 16th-17th
Cost: $45-99

GDBAY is bringing games pitching to the world with its Global Games Pitch, a competition for teams around the Earth to share the games that they're working on with industry experts and investors.

Each entry is pre-evaluated before any money changes hands, so if it doesn't look like your game will be a fit, it won't cost you a penny. And if you do get through to the next round (and pay for the top-tier), you'll get access to a mentor to help you get your pitch in top shape before it's seen by investors and publishers.

GDBAY also says that this isn't a one-time thing - teams who enter and need to postpone for whatever reason will be welcomed back for next year's pitch.

Indiecade Climate Jam

Indiecade Climate Jam

When: April 18th-22nd 2020
Cost: Free

Indiecade is kicking off a series of digital game jams, with the first one focusing on climate change and positive changes we can make to fight back.

With entries due on Earth Day, topics for the jam include veganism, going zero-waste, caring for the Earth, political action, buying local, and anything else that developers can think of.

Winners will now only receive promotion for their game and a space at upcoming Indiecade events, but also a carbon offset donation in their studio's name.

GamesBeat Summit 2020

GamesBeat Summit 2020

When: April 28th-29th 2020
Cost: $300-400 (or free for a Livestream Only Access Pass)

GamesBeat has also turned its regular real-world event into a digital summit, with the theme of "the dawn of a new generation".

Curated by GamesBeat lead writer Dean Takahashi, the event includes speakers from Niantic, Jam City, NCSoft, Roblox, Zynga, and many more.

There's a free ticket for anyone interested purely in watching the livestreams as they happen, while full ticket holders gain access to networking, downloads of the livestreams, roundtables, and other exclusive add-ons.

CGX Grad Jam

CGX Grad Jam

When: May 1st-2nd 2020
Cost: Free

The Canadian Gaming Expo is hosting its own Grad Jam online, for students, graduates, and new members of the industry to work on new or existing projects for their portfolios.

Organisers will help participants form teams, provide mentors, and also find art and sound people to help create assets for the jam.

Sign-ups for jammers are already open, and those interested in helping as a mentor or sound/art provider are encouraged to contact the organisers - more info is available on their Facebook post.

CGX Mentor Lounge

CGX Mentor Lounge

When: May 15th-16th 2020
Cost: Free

The Canadian Gaming Expo is putting on a digital mentor lounge for leaders, experts, and insiders to offer one-on-one advice across every area of game development.

Mentees and mentors can sign up for free to be matched up for 20 minute chats to share expertise and help up-and-coming developers and studios to work out what they need to do next to grow their business.

These sessions will be running on May 15th and 16th, and sign-ups are now open for both mentors and mentees.