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App Annie: Japan overtakes US as Google Play's prime revenue raiser

Plus, Android closing gap on iOS
App Annie: Japan overtakes US as Google Play's prime revenue raiser

For the first time since the marketplace's launch, the US is no longer top dog when it comes to generating revenue on Google Play, with Japan now in the driving seat.

That's one of the conclusions made by a new venture from analytics specialist App Annie, which is to publish a monthly report looking at the dominant trends in the app store economy.


"Our objective is to better inform business decisions in the app world, driving forward the global app economy through data," the firm says in the report.

"While the daily app store rankings are a great way to organise content for consumers, we provide a monthly report that is useful for companies commercially invested in app stores, whether they be publishers, stores, ad networks, investors or media companies."

Said report named The App Annie Index also concludes the Google Play is catching up with iOS in terms of revenue, but it still has a long way to go.

Mind the gap

"The gap between global revenues on iOS and Google Play is significant, but it’s gradually closing," details App Annie.

"Whilst iOS revenues are four times larger than its counterpart, Google Play revenue grew 17.9 percent in the last month, whilst iOS revenue contracted 0.7 percent in the same time period."

You can both this, and the reports other findings, in full for free by downloading the report from App Annie's website.

Look out for an interview about the Index with App Annie coming soon.