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Half of iPhone users buy an app per month says AdMob

35% for iPod touch, 21% for Android
Half of iPhone users buy an app per month says AdMob

AdMob's monthly metrics report for January has thrown up an interesting contrast between the activities of App Store users and their Android Market counterparts.

While the firm claims the average number of apps downloaded by individual users on the two platforms is roughly even, it would appear those with an iPhone in their pocket have a greater appetite for apps of the paid variety.

According to AdMob's statistics, 50 percent of all iPhone consumers download at least one paid app every month.

This contrasts sharply with Android's figure of 21 percent, which also falls behind users of Palm Pre's webOS on 24 percent and iPod touch users on 35 percent.

AdMob also concludes that Apple's iPod touch is the most used device it monitored across the course of January.

Not only do iPod touch owners download the most apps 12 a month, on average but they also use them for longer, notching up 100 minutes on them every day.

Safety in numbers

The firm's findings back-up those offered by rival Distimo in its most recent report.

The mobile analytics specialist used Mobile World Congress in Barcelona last week to present its latest statistics; Distimo concluding that Android has the highest free-to-paid apps ratio of any app store in the United States.

Combining the two reports paints Android as a hard marketplace for paid apps to crack, not only outnumbered by free alternatives, but also easily outperformed.

From phone to pad

Also of note is the reception given to Apple's recently announced iPad. AdMob's results suggest the device appeals to Apple's current consumer base more than those of its rivals.

16 percent of all iPhone users surveyed claim they intend to purchase an iPad, compared to 11 percent of webOS users and 6 percent of Android users.

More generally, the use of non-cellular mobile internet devices is rising. In July 2009 approximately 12 percent of requests in AdMob’s network came from these non-phone devices compared to approximately 17 percent in January 2010.

AdMob's latest statistics, which are compiled using the results of an in-mobile opt-in survey, are available to view on the company's website.