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Windows cross-promotion network AdDuplex raises $500,000 seed round

Pratica Capital stumps up
Windows cross-promotion network AdDuplex raises $500,000 seed round
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Jun 6, 2013 investment AdDuplex Practica Capital $0.5m

Cross-promotion channels such as Chartboost have been massively successful on iOS and Android.

So why not on Windows?

That's the question now being tested by Lithuanian start-up AdDuplex.

A graduate of the Microsoft's BizSpark program, the outfit has just raised €400,000 in seed funding from local funder Pratica Capital.


It's already found some traction, too.

It's being used in over 3,000 Windows 8 and Windows Phone apps, serving up what the company claims is 'tens of millions of daily impressions'.

The system works on a 8:10 ratio, which see you gaining 8 ads for every 10 ads displayed in your app.

The missing 2 ads are taken by AdDuplex as its margin. Pure advertisers can then buy this inventory.

You can find out more via the company's website.

[source: Arctic Startup]


Practica Capital