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Flurry opens up London office as firm reveals 46 million access apps a month across EU5

Firm turns its attention to European market
Flurry opens up London office as firm reveals 46 million access apps a month across EU5

In something of a two pronged attack, mobile analytics specialist Flurry has coupled news it is to open up an office in London with the release of a study looking at the prevalence of apps in Europe.

The firm, which has traditionally offered up statistics looking at the US market, claims its new London base reflects an intention to capitalise on the fast-growing appetite for apps across the continent.

Eye on Europe

Flurry's European operation will be headed up media industry veteran Richard Firminger, who, according to president and CEO Simon Khalef, will "work closely with our publishers, advertisers as well as brands and media agencies, to grow the mobile application media market" as MD for the region.

"Flurry is in an excellent position to lead the mobile application media market," said Firminger, who has previously worked for both Amazon and Yahoo! in Europe.

"Flurry has unmatched penetration in analytics and audience measurement, a critical component of any media business, as well as an excellent solution in AppCircle that can help mobile application developers grow the size and value of their audience."

Five alive

As a sign of Flurry's intentions for Europe, the firm has published a report on the collective userbase of apps across the EU5 the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain.

It's an assessment that concludes that the reach of apps is accelerating, with 46 million devices across all five countries accessing apps across the course of May.

"With a combined population of just over 240 million, for ages 13 and over, the addressable market through smartphone apps averages approximately 20 percent of the largest, most affluent European countries," Flurry's Peter Farago said on the firm's blog.

"Additionally, with a month-over-month growth rate (compounded monthly growth rate, CMGR) of more than 10 percent over the last two years, we project the installed base of smartphones will more than double over the next 12 months alone."

Games galore

Despite leading the line, however, the UK shows the slowest rate when it comes to monthly growth, largely because the market is the most penetrated.

Further behind, the likes of Spain, Italy and Germany are showing signs of catching up, with CMGRs of 14 percent, 11 percent and 11 percent respectively.

"With growing adoption of iOS and Android-based smartphones, the imminent release of Nokia phones based on Windows Phone 7, and the fact that the majority consumers actively use applications, we predict that the growth of this mass market media channel will continue to grow until near total smartphone market saturation," Farago added.

Of those who already engage with their mobiles, however, it's games that dominate across all five countries.

France has have the biggest appetite for games of all, with taking on titles making up 45 percent of all mobile sessions in the country.

The full results of Flurry's European report can be found on the firm's blog.