Home   >   Features Week That Was: Nintendo baffles us with the 2DS, Unity turns publisher, and Asphalt 8 analyzed

The past 7 days in bite-sized portions Week That Was: Nintendo baffles us with the 2DS, Unity turns publisher, and Asphalt 8 analyzed

This past week saw two wild departures from convention which might have large ramifications for the industry - one made by a company and one by an individual.

On the company side, Nintendo unveiled a new handheld model, the 2DS that aims to bring more young (or cheaper) gamers into the 3DS ecosystem by dropping the pricepoint and dispensing with the 3D visuals.

On the individual side, Google's VP in charge of Android product management Hugo Barra left the US-based company to take a new VP position at booming Chinese smartphone manufacturer, Xiaomi.

Both Nintendo and Barra are known for their savvy and understanding of market trends, and they have their own reasons for these radical departures.

Whether or not they'll bear success down the line remains to be seen, but until that time let’s look back at the week that was.

Tools and platforms


Industry voices

User acquisition and Retention

Unity and Unite 2013Keith was flying into Vancouver this week, and Unity news was flying out of Vancouver this week during the annual Unite conference. Here are some of the biggest stories.
