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The past 7 days in bite-sized portions Week That Was: Downers at Fishlabs, TinyCo and Zynga, but uppers with new iPads and Lumias

This week saw a lot of love for the smartphone's big brother, the tablet.

When Steve Jobs unveiled the first iPad back in 2010, it was met with a hefty amount of scepticism and scorn. "It's Andre the Giant’s iPhone!", some crowed, while others saw no reason for the gadget to exist.

Now, it's hard to imagine a world without tablets - Apple-powered or otherwise - as they're helping to propel the mobile industry forward at incredible rates.

This week saw some impressive new tablets enter the field of consumer electronics, but it also saw a lot of other news from the ever-busy industry of mobile gaming.

Luckily, you've got us to give you the highlights.

Tools and platforms


Industry voices


Funding, start ups, acquisitions, and personnel

GDC Next
Are you planning to be in Los Angeles for GDC Next in early November? If so, be sure to sign up for our joint event with Gamevil and Yandex.