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Singapore’s Rising Stars: Putting the Fun in FWAN

Desmond Foo gives us the lowdown
Singapore’s Rising Stars: Putting the Fun in FWAN

Right now Singapore is a hotbed for mobile game development, and thanks to some help from GSC Singapore Game Box, we were lucky enough to see some of these exciting developers and their projects at this year’s GDC Big Indie Pitch.

As such, in this series of features we’ll be taking a closer look at some of these rising stars of South East Asia.

Today, we’re talking to Desmond Foo of FWAN Co. How big is your studio, and how long have you been making games?

Desmond Foo: We’re a 9 - 11 man team who have been working together for over 11 months now (though core team members have various years of game production experiences).

What sort of games do you focus on?

Synchronous multiplayer mobile games. 

Introduce us to your game. How did it come about and what makes it stand out?

We are inspired by both racing and platforming games, and decided to create one with RPG elements and glorious visuals to make it stand out.


What games and developers inspire you?

Games like Monument Valley, Hitman GO and the recent Clash Royale from Supercell inspire us.

Particularly Supercell who's capable of delivering great games with superb user experience for a global audience, demonstrating that games can really transcend language and cultural differences when designed 

What are the long term goals for your studio?

We want to keep building fun and entertaining games that people can enjoy, and reach out to more players on a global level.

We also want to stay lean and focused, never forgetting to deliver "FWAN" (similar pronunciation as "FUN") in whatever we do.

To read about other studios from Singapore that attended this year’s GDC Big Indie Pitch, head over here.