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Get clued up with Game Maker Insights at Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #5

One of 14 featured tracks
Get clued up with Game Maker Insights at Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #5

Three weeks remain until Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #5, which takes place between February 8th and 12th.

Pocket Gamer Connects Digital will continue our string of successful digital events. Yet again, we will provide excellent panels, interesting talks, and fringe events, and we have improved upon the meeting system since our last go around.

We have 14 insightful tracks for attendees to take in – subjects include growth, esports, live ops, global trends, Blockchain and big screen gaming.

Every day we will look at each of the 14 tracks in turn. Today is Game Maker Insights – case studies from the front line, covering the likes of game design, audio, character design, UX, and narrative.

The Game Maker Insights track is sponsored by CrazyLabs.

Monday, February 8th

14:00 - The track will commence with a superstar session from King executive producer and senior director Sabrina Carmona. Her talk is titled 'What I have learned in ten years in game development'.

14:30 - Next, another superstar session, this time to be hosted by CrazyLabs head of publishing Moria Goldstein Toren. Her talk is titled 'Dr. Hyper and Mr. Casual - how to stay in the top charts for ten years in a row'.

15:30 - Curious about the pros and cons of collaborating with an external team? Then you will not want to miss Starloop Studios game producer Marc Paüls, and Tangelo Games product owner Raúl Pérez Bernabé give their talk on the subject.

16:00 - Time for a fireside chat between Nifty Games CEO Jon Middleton and Nifty Games board member Peter Moore. The pair will discuss opportunities for sports games in the age of COVID.

16:30 - Moving on, Mohawk Games CEO Leyla Johnson will give a talk on designing with history in mind.

17:00 - The track will close with a panel discussion on the challenges and advantages of creating a game remotely. Six industry experts will take to the virtual stage, the first of which is East Side Games CEO Josh Nilson. He will be joined by DICE head of design Fawzi Mesmar, Mobile Game Doctor owner Dave Rohrl and Altitude Games co-founder and creative director Luna Javier. Finally, Mediatonic senior game designer Arran Topalian and Tiny Hydra co-founder and CEO Martin Mittner complete the lineup.

Check out the full schedule to see the complete range of impressive speakers attending. You can also check out our other track rundowns and coverage of previous Pocket Gamer Connects conferences ahead of the event itself.

Like what you see? Well, there's still time to register for Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #5 here.