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Ex Iomo staff form new handheld games developer

TinRaven to focus on iPhone, mobile and DS
Ex Iomo staff form new handheld games developer

A team of developers formerly at UK firm Iomo have launched a new studio called TinRaven.

The developer will focus on iPhone, mobile and DS, making it the latest independent developer to aim wider than just mobile handsets.

TinRaven will make original titles a big focus, too, although it will also work for publishers.

"There are many opportunities in the current market for a small independent studio," says co-founder Niall Fraser. "As well as releasing our own original titles we will be providing work for hire services on third-party projects."

The company says it'll launch its first iPhone game later this year. TinRaven is the latest company to spring from Iomo's ashes - former boss John Chasey now heads up developer FinBlade and tech firm Metismo.

