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Rovio's target is 100 million downloads of free ad-supported Angry Birds

Already done three million on Android
Rovio's target is 100 million downloads of free ad-supported Angry Birds

The Android version of Angry Birds is already doing impressive numbers, with three million downloads to date - two million on app store GetJar, and one million via the main Android Market.

Of course, at the moment, the game is free and ad-supported so perhaps this level of interest from mobile gamers isn't surprising.

What is surprising however is developer Rovio's target number of downloads for this version.

Going for gold

According to Google's Mobile Partnerships head Charles Yim, it's a massive 100 million downloads.

Talking about the how Rovio is using AdMob's advertising system, he says, "We are excited to work with Rovio and help them reach their 100 million download target with this free ad-supported version."

As well as using AdMob's standard in-app advertising model, Rovio is using its House Ad functionality.

This enables developers to serve ads within their app for free, something Google says will help Rovio promote new game features and advertise the forthcoming Angry Birds plush toys due out for Christmas.

Putting the 100 milllion figure into context, the only mobile game to shift those sort of numbers is Tetris. EA Mobile announced it had sold 100 million mobile versions of Tetris since it gained the licence in 2005.

[source: Google]