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Chinese mobile games market grew 156% in 2013 to $2.2 billion

Estimated to be worth $6.9 billion by 2016
Chinese mobile games market grew 156% in 2013 to $2.2 billion

With the Global Mobile Game Conference 2014 kicking off in a smoggy Beijing, it's time to check out new predictions for the size of the world's fastest growing mobile games market.

According to a report released by the GMGC and produced using information from various Chinese market intelligence companies - Umeng, TalkingData, App Annie and Analysys - the Chinese mobile game market in 2013 was worth $2.2 billion (RMB 13.8 billion).

That's up 156 percent compared to 2012.

However, growth is slowing. On a quarterly basis, in Q4 2013, it was down to 27 percent compared to growth of 37 percent in Q3.

Big times coming

Of course, that slowdown is only relative; grow rate remain very strong compared to the developed world.

Looking ahead to 2014, it's expected that the size of the Chinese mobile games market will grow 97 percent to $3.8 billion (RMB 23.8 billion).

Again, annual growth - while remaining high - is dropping - see the yellow line.

It will only be mid-double digits from 2015, but that should still see the total market being worth around $6.9 billion (RMB 42.7 billion) by 2016.

But Chinese companies aren't only looking for Chinese players. There's a small if fast growing international sector for Chinese developed games, especially in southeast Asia.

It's estimated that this 'international market' is currently worth around $160 million (around RMB 1 billion) to Chinese mobile companies, with growth in 2013 of 150 percent.