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Puzzle & Dragons developer GungHo Online grossed $106 million last month

$62-86 million from Puzzle & Dragons alone
Puzzle & Dragons developer GungHo Online grossed $106 million last month

Puzzle & Dragons developer GungHo Online has announced that it generated 10 billion yen in sales during February 2013.

That amounts to roughly $106 million a figure that's made all the more impressive by virtue of being posted for the shortest month of the year.

Tokyo-based mobile gaming consultant Dr Serkan Toto estimates that Puzzle & Dragons alone probably accounts for between 59 percent and 81 percent of GungHo's total sales.

On this basis, he's suggesting that Puzzle & Dragons grossed somewhere between $62 million and $86 million in February.

On the rise

What's more, Toto expects that figure to increase. After all, the $106 million figure GungHo touts is itself an increase on the $92 million it grossed in January 2013.

And given that Puzzle & Dragons passed the 10 million download mark in early March only 19 days after passing the 9 million milestone it seems like likely that GungHo's sales tally for this month will be even more impressive.

How did the company achieve such remarkable success? According to CEO Kazuki Morishita, "It had a lot to do with luck." At least, that's what he told editor-at-large Jon Jordan when the pair talked at GDC.

Buy buy

It's worth noting that the publicly traded developer will soon be a subsidiary of Japanese telecommunications company SoftBank Mobile.

The company is spending $265 million to acquire a majority share in GungHo Online, a deal that will likely be completed in April 2013.

[source: SerkanToto]