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Samsung Galaxy S4 hits 10 million milestone in first month

Selling at four units per second
Samsung Galaxy S4 hits 10 million milestone in first month

Korean-based electronics magnate Samsung has announced that sales of its new Galaxy S4 hit the 10 million milestone in the first month of its availability.

Billed as a "life companion", the Galaxy S4 hit a new record for Samsung as it hit the prestigious 10 million mark faster than any of its predecessors.


In 2012, the Galaxy S III reached the 10 million unit mark 50 days after its launch while the Galaxy S II (2011) took five months to reach the same threshold.

The original Samsung Galaxy S (2010) reached 10 million in sales seven months after its commercial debut.

To provide a bit of additional context for the speed of Galaxy S4 sales, Samsung estimates that the S4 is selling at a rate of four units per second.

The strong demand for the Samsung Galaxy S4 created some inventory issues for the smartphone in the US that disrupted its rollout in the United States.

Currently, the Galaxy S4 is available in 110 countries globally and will be rolled out to 155 countries through cooperation with 327 partners.

[Source: Samsung]