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Square Enix to launch crowdfunding collective with Indiegogo

Offers older IP to interested developers
Square Enix to launch crowdfunding collective with Indiegogo

Square Enix has unveiled a new crowdfunding program in partnership with Indiegogo designed to open doors for indies with fresh ideas.

Called the Square Enix Collective, the program allows developers to post games ideas that are then judged by players.

Each pitch will reside on the Square Enix Collective for 28 days, with designers and players able to exchange feedback. After the four weeks are up, Square Enix itseld then decides if the pitch has enough merit to carry on to Indiegogo for funding.

Evaluations unlimited

There's also a pre-pitch evaluation phase, during which time Square Enix will check that a pitched game idea meets its submission parameters, and whether the studio responsible for the pitch has the ability and resources to make the game a reality.

If a studio does not make it through this phase, Square Enix will provide feedback on exactly why.

It's a process that's designed to decrease the risk for both sides of the crowdfunding relationship, delivering more successes and eliminating games that fail to garner enough support early on.

Any old IP

But, rather than just adding extra hurdles to cut out the dross, Square Enix has also attached a rather juicy carrot to the end of its stick.

As part of the Collective, Square Enix is to open up old Eidos IP for developers to work with if they have a game in mind that taps into the publisher's past titles.

As such, it's extremely unlikely that the Square Enix Collective will fund Final Fantasy XVI or even Final Fantasy VI-2 by an indie, but there's every possibility a small studio could find itself working on a recognised Eidos franchise.

Those interested in learning more about the Collective can visit its official website.