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Shanda posts Q2 FY13 mobile game revenues of $16.5 million

Million Arthur is doing the business
Shanda posts Q2 FY13 mobile game revenues of $16.5 million

Chinese online and mobile games publisher Shanda Games (NASDAQ: GAME) has announced its unaudited consolidated financial results for Q2, the three months ending 30 June 2013.

Net revenues were $175.6 million, down 4 percent year-on-year.

Net income was $64.8 million, up 19 percent year-on-year.

Mobile growth

Mobile games generated $16.5 million - or 9 percent - of Q2 net revenues.

This was down 4.4 percent compared to Q1. Shanda didn't have any revenue from mobile games in Q2 2012.

However, the company expects mobile revenue to rise 50 percent in Q3, accounting for over 10 percent of total sales.

The main driver of mobile activity is the Square Enix-developed Million Arthur, which was published by Shanda subsidiary Actoz Soft in Korea and Shanda itself in Taiwan. It will be released in China during Q3.

During Q2, Shanda had an average of 400,000 daily active mobile players, each with an average spend of $0.46 (RMB 2.8).

Shanda ended the quarter with cash and cash equivalents etc worth $640 million, up 13 percent compared to the end of June 2013.

[source: Shanda Games IR]