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App Annie unveils Singapore office for India and SE Asia

Analytics firm targets emerging markets
App Annie unveils Singapore office for India and SE Asia

App Annie is unlocking the doors of a new Singapore office as it looks to expand further into emerging markets.

The new base will become fully operational with 10 employees in April.

The team's focus will be honed on two fast-growing mobile markets - Southeast Asia and India - though App Annie Singapore will also cover Australia and New Zealand.

Go East

"Those two markets are relatively untapped compared to other markets," said Oliver Lo, App Annie's EVP of marketing in a statement.

"We see a lot of big companies going into these regions and we see a lot of startups getting big funding rounds. So all those companies need data."

App Annie data had previously revealed that India is the world's fifth largest market in terms of mobile downloads, and this is clearly a move to capitalise on that.

The analytics firm has got big plans for 2015, expecting to bolster its numbers by a further 150 after raising $55 million in January this year.