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SCVNGR goes global with Google Places API integration

Multi language support also added
SCVNGR goes global with Google Places API integration

As with all location-based apps, SCVNGR relies on one thing more than any other a database of places.

While users in the UK and US have been able to check-in via the app since launch on iPhone and Android, other territories around the globe haven't been so fortunate.

As such, leveraging the Google Places API is an important next step for the app, with SCVNGR itself claiming the move will open up its challenged based check-ins to a wider, global audience.

Branching out

"Our goal has always been to build the game layer on top of the world. But until today, we were missing a critical component - the rest of the world," said SCVNGR's Seth Priebatsch.

"We're excited to go live globally today, and to do so with the best location database on the planet."

Though SCVNGR will continue to be presented in English by default, user content such as custom challenges can be added in scores of other languages, including German, French, Japanese and Chinese, amongst others.

SCVNGR, which originally launched on iPhone back in May, recently passed the half million users mark.

The firm has managed to sign up several commercial partners in its short history, working with the likes of National Geographic and UK rail ticket operator Quno.