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Samsung reportedly slips past Apple to become world's top smartphone manufacturer in Q3

20 million shipped across quarter
Samsung reportedly slips past Apple to become world's top smartphone manufacturer in Q3

The official numbers may not be in the public domain, but a report on the Wall Street Journal suggests Samsung may have shipped more than 20 million smartphones during the firm's third quarter.

Not only would that be a rise on the 19.2 million the firm pushed out to retail in the previous quarter according to Strategy Analytics figures but it would also push the Korean firm above its bitter rival Apple.

All in all, Samsung would be proclaimed the top smartphone manufacturer on the planet.

Tight at the top

The news comes as Apple's most recent quarterly figures showed a slight dip in iPhone shipments, coming in at 17.03 million units, down from 20.3 million in the previous quarter.

As such, a total of 20 million for Samsung - the firm benefiting from a "push into the high end" as well as the "stepping up of production in Europe" of bada and Windows Phone devices would push it ahead of both Apple, and Nokia, which shipped 16.8 million smartphones across Q3.

Nevertheless, many commentators have already attributed Apple's iPhone dip to customers waiting for the unveiling of new hardware something CEO Tim Cook admitted was a factor in the firm's quarterly results conference call.

[source: Wall Street Journal]