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App Store daily downloads hit record high in January, claims Fiksu

Jumps 12% to 6.79 million
App Store daily downloads hit record high in January, claims Fiksu

The mass of consumers unwrapping an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch over the Christmas holidays resulted in a record breaking month for app downloads in January, reports Fiksu.

According to numbers sourced from the user acquisition platform, daily iOS app downloads hit 6.79 million a day across the course of the month.

That represents 12 percent rise from December's daily tally of 6.04 million, itself a record at the time.

Up and down

The result of such riches, claims Fiksu, was that the company's cost per loyal user index in essence, the amount of money it costs to attract someone who will start the app up three times or more fell to its lowest point since July 2011.

Fiksu claims the index dropped by 59 percent to $1.14 per user from December's record high of $1.81.

"We've observed many app brands invest heavily in the fourth quarter, seeking extreme growth during the holiday season, then reduce spending in January as they evaluate their marketing programs for the New Year and focus on version upgrades for their apps," said CEO Micah Adler.

"However, the latest indexes show that January is an excellent time for both growth and value and budget-savvy marketers should take full advantage of this time, instead of slowing down."

Indeed, Fiksu claims January offers one of the best opportunities for mobile marketers, with the combination of low costs and high downloads coming together to deliver a sweet spot for those operating on the App Store.

Fiksu's full January analysis can be found on the firm's website.