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Power of the voice: Appington's VoiceOver tech increases FishFarm's ARPU 50%

A word in your ear
Power of the voice: Appington's VoiceOver tech increases FishFarm's ARPU 50%

The industry is spending a lot of time and money on user acquisition, segmentation and retention.

Knowing your audience is said to be key to maximising lifetime value.

Certainly it makes logical sense, but supposing there was something with the potential to give you direct communication with your players.

That's the opportunity Appington argues it offers game developers.

Call to action

It's rolling out its VoiceOver management platform, which enables you to populate your game with voice prompts.

These can be used to tell players that they're running short of health or that there's a new discounted deal on in-game currency.

And according to early feedback with German developer raiX, which used it in FishFarm, it saw ARPU up 50 percent, ARPPU up 33 percent and the number of paying users up 14 percent.

Using the platform's A/B testing features, raiX focused on optimising the first time user experience to encourage the purchase of fish species and customisation items.

A friendly voice

The technology has also been tested in Bingo Bash, resulting in a 32 percent increase in day-one engagement.

"We believe strongly in the power of the voice," says Appington CEO Risto Haukioja.

"Without audio, apps cannot fulfill their maximum potential, but by optimising voice-overs, developers can create a powerful, dual-action experience that pulls users in for the long haul."

As part of its service, Appington helps developers in terms of scripting, hiring talent for the voice-overs and properly implementing audio.

It charges a monthly service fee that ranges based on variants such as monthly average users.

You can find out more about Appington via its website.
