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AdMob launches ad marketplace for iPhone apps

Offering $1m of free ads, too
AdMob launches ad marketplace for iPhone apps

Mobile advertising firm AdMob is getting into iPhone in a big way, launching a new global iPhone advertising marketplace that'll cover both native iPhone apps and iPhone-friendly websites.

The company has also announced plans to give away $1 million worth of advertising to developers who sign up for its new program.

Its iPhone ad units offer eight specific actions, allowing advertisers to drive users direct to iTunes or the App Store, access audio or video, initiate voice calls, launch maps and visit iPhone websites.

App developers already signed up include AccuWeather, MovieTickets, Mippin, Flirtomatic and Loopt, while brand advertisers include Ford, EA, Land Rover, Jaguar and Universal Pictures.

AdMob has been running ads on iPhone sites for some time now, and served 51.8 million of them in June alone. Diversifying into adverts within native apps is sure to interest games publishers, whose titles have been among the most popular downloads from the App Store.

You can find out more on the company's new program here, or watch the video below for some examples: