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iPhone Super Monkey Ball passes 300k downloads mark

Sega's accountants must be going bananas
iPhone Super Monkey Ball passes 300k downloads mark

We reported yesterday on Apple's claim that its App Store is generating more than $1 million of revenues every day from paid apps.

Now MocoNews has supplied some more details on those figures, including the claim that Sega's Super Monkey Ball sold 300,000 downloads in its first 20 days on sale.

That's a cool $2,997,000 in revenues, which based on Apple's 30-70 split means Sega has trousered more than $2 million from the game in that period - or more than $100,000 a day.

Meanwhile, the story also suggests that of the $21 million distributed to developers in the first month of the App Store, $9 million went to the top ten firms.

Besides Sega, we're assuming that list includes Vivendi Games Mobile (for Crash Bandicoot Nitro Kart 3D) and Gameloft (which had six games available from launch).