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Player X nabs Buzz! and Destruction Derby for mobile

But what about SCE's other brands?
Player X nabs Buzz! and Destruction Derby for mobile

By now you may know that UK-based publisher Player X is bringing two of Sony Computer Entertainment's console franchises to mobile phones.

Buzz! and Destruction Derby are the first time a third-party has bagged the mobile rights to SCE brands, although sister company Sony Pictures Mobile released God of War earlier this year.

Player X's deal is for three years, with Buzz! due for release this Autumn, with Destruction Derby following early next year. The first title clearly suits a rollout of further installments over the three years, too.

The question now is what SCE plans to do with its other PlayStation brands.

It's no secret that Sony was well along the road to licensing other titles for mobile earlier this year, with former THQ Wireless exec Balbir Blugan handling the deals out of the company's European office.

However, Blugan has since left the company. The Player X deal shows that the licensing process hasn't been canned, but it remains to be seen what happens to titles like WipEout and LocoRoco, which were thought to be also up for grabs.

Persistent rumours have linked Glu to a deal for some SCE titles, but none appear in its European line-up for the second half of 2008, which was announced today.