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Palm Pre to focus on casual games at launch

Not going after the 3D market
Palm Pre to focus on casual games at launch

There's plenty of excitement around the upcoming launch of the Palm Pre smartphone, but precious few details on what kind of games it'll support.

That's still the case, but we do have at least an inkling, following a webcast co-hosted by Palm and its US operator partner Sprint.

As MocoNews reports, Palm confirmed that games would be supported, but that "in the first version, it will focus on casual games like sudoku, not 3D gaming".

Could that be a mistake? One of the key things about iPhone is that it does both, with breakthrough hits from both casual and more hardcore 3D titles.

Still, Palm has previously confirmed that it's keen to work with games developers on Pre titles, and the device's support for Flash Lite may be a focus for casual games.

Meanwhile, MocoNews reports Palm as confirming that there will be an app store for the Pre. We thought there already was - the Palm Software Store, which launched in December for existing Palm handsets, but presumably will support Pre apps too.

Maybe not though - could Palm be planning a second app store just for that handset? Hmm.