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EA peggles Spore Origins back into US top 100

Apollo 11 and Star Hogs also have mid-week price drop
EA peggles Spore Origins back into US top 100

It was released way back in September 2008 but EA seems keen to keep Spore Origins in the Top 100 of the US App Store. Maybe it's worried about its ongoing competition with Gameloft to see which company has the most games in the chart.

Last week, it was neck and neck at 9 apiece, although Spore Origins had dropped out by that point.

Quickly however, EA's hand has turned to the pricing lever, dropping the previously $2.99 game down to 99c.

There's no mention of whether this will be a limited period offer. Its App Store entry merely says: "Chomp now to take advantage of a new low price!".

Other games currently peggling(tm) their way up the charts include Apollo 11: The Game and Star Hogs, which a mere seven days ago was priced at $4.99. It went down to $2.99 over the weekend and is now at 99c.

But it hasn't moved up the chart much. It currently sits at number 63.