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DeNA on track to generate $1.2 billion in revenues in 2010

20 million users on board
DeNA on track to generate $1.2 billion in revenues in 2010

Backing up the forecast delivered in the company's last financial summary, DeNA CEO Tomoko Namba has repeated the claim that the social gaming firm will generate annual revenues of $1.2 billion in 2010.

Speaking at LeWeb '10, Namba claimed the majority of the firm's revenue around 90 percent in total - comes from the sale of virtual goods to 20 million users across its Japanese social gaming community Mobage.

Going loco for ngmocoThe recent $403 million purchase of ngmoco, however, also gives DeNA a healthy hand in the mobile gaming industry in Europe and the US.

Namba went on to claim that other similar deals for European studios are potentially on the cards, too.

"We are trying to integrate to one team, but if the aspiration is the same, high enough and there is enough commonality, there is much to build together," she added, claiming she is proud of the ngmoco acquisition.

"Social games on smartphones is something we're very interested in. It would be great if we can work together with great social game developers here for smartphones."

[source: Mobile Entertainment]