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Apple planning worldwide roll out for iAd as platform hits iPad

Developers reporting global ad impressions
Apple planning worldwide roll out for iAd as platform hits iPad

With Apple preparing to export iAd to iPad via iOS 4.2's debut on the tablet, MacRumors reports the firm could also be planning on extending the ad platform beyond its current borders.

To date, Apple has only launched iAd in the US and the UK, but developers are now apparently reporting seeing impressions roll in from all around the globe.

All the world's a banner

While the exact territories set to benefit from any update isn't yet clear, any expansion to iAd's set up would naturally come with benefits for developers signed up to the service.

Hitting new countries would lay open the possibility of tapping up new advertisers, with region-specific ads in each market an obvious new revenue stream.

In terms of iPad, iAd is expected to pop up any day now, with iOS 4.2 for the platform having 'gone gold' earlier this week.

[source: MacRumors]