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HP to launch webOS smartphones in 2011

New handsets to run side by side with Palm devices
HP to launch webOS smartphones in 2011

The importance of webOS to HP has never been in doubt, with the tech giant having repeatedly suggested the OS was the main motivation behind its purchase of Palm back in April.

Nonetheless, the platform had so far only been touted for use in forthcoming tablets and HP printers.

Now, HP says it also plans to utilise webOS in its own branded smartphones, due to launch in 2011.

High hopes for HP

The move was confirmed by HP senior VP Eric Cador, who told attendees at an industry conference in Barcelona that new handsets are a priority for the firm.

"You will see us coming early next year with new phones," said Cador, adding once more that webOS had been an important purchase for HP and that its use would be a fundamental part of the firm's future.

Just where this leaves Palm's current webOS offerings is up for debate. Both the Pre and Pixi received something of a promo blitz compared to previous efforts after HP's purchase, but Palm has been unable to make serious inroads on its smartphone rivals to date.

With fellow PC manufacturers such as Dell, Lenovo and Acer also devising handsets, HP may feel its webOS phones stand a better chance of making a positive impression in the coming years.

[source: Reuters]