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Storm8 proclaims itself largest mobile social studio in US as downloads sail past 210 million

Up 10 million in little over 2 weeks
Storm8 proclaims itself largest mobile social studio in US as downloads sail past 210 million

When iMobsters developer Storm8 hit 200 million downloads across iOS and Android at the start of June, CEO Perry Tam said the company had set its sights on becoming the largest mobile social gaming company on the planet.

Little over two weeks later, and Storm8 believes it's on the way to achieving that goal, having proclaimed itself the largest mobile social outfit in the US as total downloads across both platforms hit 210 million.

Whipping up a social storm

The news was delivered via an infographic, which also claims that players of Storm8 titles have amassed 5 billion sessions on its games, notching up 18 billion minutes of play time.

There's no breakdown given regarding which platform the majority of said downloads have been made on, but Tam has told TechCrunch that social gaming on Android is beginning to pick up.

"We believe Android's time in social gaming has arrived and feel our new titles will flourish thanks to innovations we've made in gameplay and the overall improvement of Android infrastructure," he told the site.

In total, Storm8's userbase has shot up by 300 percent throughout the course of this year, while its download total is up 10 million in 16 days, bringing its current average in at 625,000 downloads a day.

[source: TechCrunch]