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Apple separates iTunes log-ins for app downloads and in-app purchases in iOS 4.3

One way of solving accidental Smurfberry purchases
Apple separates iTunes log-ins for app downloads and in-app purchases in iOS 4.3

It's been coming under increasing pressure over 'accidental' In-App Purchases (IAP), especially in kid-focused games such as Capcom's Smurfs' Village, and now Apple has moved to address the issue as part of its iOS 4.3 update.

Although not mentioned as part of its official press release, the OS has a new feature that requires your iTunes' password to be inputted separately for the download or purchase of apps, and the purchase of IAP.

The standard 15 minute log-in period remains in force for each action.

Different strokes

It had been rumoured that Apple was going to decrease the length of the log-in period to try to solve the issue, but splitting the download or purchase of an app, and an in-app purchase is a more elegant solution to the problem in which parents download content, and hand their iDevice to their children, who 'buy' in-game items without realising the consequences.

"We are proud to have industry-leading parental controls with iOS," said Trudy Muller, an Apple spokeswoman, according to the Washington Post.

"With iOS 4.3, in addition to a password being required to purchase an app on the App Store, a re-entry of your password is now required when making an in-app purchase."

[source: Washington Post]