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Mondia Media gains new COO, Volker Glaeser joins from Vodafone Germany

Bulks up executive team
Mondia Media gains new COO, Volker Glaeser joins from Vodafone Germany

German mobile entertainment outfit Mondia Media (previously Arvato) has announced a new chief operating officer.

Volker Glaeser will join in February. He will be responsible for the worldwide operations of the digital content provider.

An 18 year veteran of the media business, prior to joining Mondia Media, Glaeser was director of internet services at Vodafone Germany, handling its online channel, the Vodafone life! portal and expansion of its e-commerce platforms.

Mondia took over the running of Vodafone Germany's entertainment content distribution business, including web and WAP portals, in 2010.

Global reach

"We are extremely happy to have Volker Glaeser, a renowned manager in the European mobile and internet business, as an addition to our leadership team," said Amadeo Rahmann, Mondia Media's CEO.

"With his many years of experience and high professional expertise, Volker's contribution will be significant for developing our products and global partnerships."

As well as Vodafone, Mondia works with partners such as Sony Ericsson and America Movil.

Based in Hamburg, it employs 250 employees with additional offices in Dubai, Johannesburg, London, Madrid, Moscow, Mumbai, Rome and São Paulo.

[source: Mondia Media]