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EA to bolster RIM's PlayBook with Plants vs. Zombies

To arrive 'shortly'
EA to bolster RIM's PlayBook with Plants vs. Zombies

The BlackBerry PlayBook has had a rocky time of it, with RIM slashing the price of its 7-inch tablet apparently to help shift $485 million worth of surplus inventory.

But, since CES 2012, a few new games have jumped aboard the barren BlackBerry App World store and there's the promise of thousands more apps and games to come after the PlayBook OS' version 2.0 update.

Joining Rovio's Angry Birds and Chillingo's Cut the Rope will be Plants vs. Zombies, confirmed by PopCap parent company EA and due to arrive 'shortly.'


"That's [Plants vs. Zombies] one of our best casual IPs that we have to date, it's done phenomenally well, all the way up to PC," EA's Eric Wood said in an interview with Inside BlackBerry at CES.

"I'm a huge fan of it and we should see it here in a few weeks on platform."

The positive news of some of mobile gaming's biggest titles coming to PlayBook certainly flies in the face of previous rumours of the tablet's capitulation, though time will tell if the influx can raise it to the level of its Apple and Amazon rivals.

You can see the full interview in the video below.


[Source: Inside BlackBerry]