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Unite 2012: More than half of all mobile devs using Unity

#Unite12 Helgason talks numbers
Unite 2012: More than half of all mobile devs using Unity

Following a swish trailer sweeping across some of the biggest games to utilise Unity's engine to date, company CEO David Helgason took to the stage at 2012's Unite conference in Amsterdam to talk numbers.

And some impressive numbers they were.

According to the latest stats from the firm, Unity claims a third of all developers plugging into the engine are now based in Asia a particularly impressive feat, given the firm's assault on the region is a recent one.

Monthly matters

In all, Unity has 1.2 million registered developers on its books 300,000 of which are active on a monthly basis.

Mobile, naturally, remains Unity's base, with the company estimating that more than half of all mobile developers on the planet 53 percent to be exact have utilised the Unity engine so far.

Spread that across the entire industry, said Helgason, and that means that somewhere between 2 and 5 percent of developers of any kind have plugged into Unity at some point.

"Unity 4 is the most ambitious engine we've ever worked with, and more developers than ever before are using it," concluded Helgason.

Such stats come as Unity announced further platform expansion, with support for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 incoming.

You can watch the Unite 2012 keynote speeches in full below.
