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iPhone 5's added 'screen real estate' will aid devs, reckons Chimpact studio Yippee Entertainment

It's business as usual
iPhone 5's added 'screen real estate' will aid devs, reckons Chimpact studio Yippee Entertainment

When you have a cumulative total of 400 million users having tapped into your ecosystem, is there anything wrong with serving up more of the same?

According to Yippee Entertainment the studio behind Chillingo's recent iOS hit Chimpact most of the advancements announced during Apple's iPhone 5 press blitz will have the biggest impact on those looking to use the device as a media player.

That said, the larger screen should also make the lives of devs who struggle to fit in all the action on iPhone 4S's current 3.5-inch display a little easier.

We caught up with commercial director Lorraine Starr and technical director Steve Ruddy for their take on all things iPhone 5.

Pocket Gamer: Broadly speaking, what did you make of Apple's iPhone 5 unveiling?

Steve Ruddy: Although evolutionary rather than revolutionary, the bigger screen makes the new iPhone much more appealing for as a media player yay, widescreen movies and TV.

Obviously thinner, lighter, improved performance and better battery life also make the phone much cooler and desirable.

Lorraine Starr: I don't think it was as innovative as all the hype suggested, but there are some nice new features.

Specifically from a developer's point of view, what features excite you the most about the new iPhone?

SR: The additional screen real estate allows for more interaction and flexibility in game design.

For Chimpact, we'll be extending our rendering and physically simulating more objects to take advantage of the screen and extra processing power - being able to see further in Chimpact means you can plan better strategies to collect perfect banana strings and the like.

LS: The graphics display and the improved speed should make everything much brighter and smoother, and as you know, we focus on high quality and we are looking forward to fully taking advantage of this.

Specifically with Chimpact, it will be brilliant to display more of the maps and environments, which will make an even more enjoyable gameplay experience.

Is there anything missing from the device?

SR: Siri for northerners?

LS: Definitely wireless charging like the Nokia Lumia 920. I believe Apple is going to ship an adapter for the new connector in the box.

However, everyone has at least two or more chargers and docks etc, so it’s going to be expensive to purchase adapters for them all.

Maybe Apple needs to include a pack of four adaptors.

What kind of impact do you think it will have on the market. Is this a guaranteed best seller?

LS: There are some cool things, such as the sleek design, map update, built in panoramic camera ability, and improved Siri that will certainly make die-hard Apple fans rush out to buy it.

Will this guarantee it to be a best seller? Only time will tell.

SR: Being the latest and greatest it will sell well regardless, but I think the change in aspect ratio really is a game changer for using it as a portable media player.

Thanks to Lorraine and Steve for their time.