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A call for communication: UK developers 'need to network more', argues TIGA

Meet-ups make a huge difference
A call for communication: UK developers 'need to network more', argues TIGA

UK trade association TIGA has claimed developers across the country need to attend more networking events in order to strengthen their businesses.

The call for a greater sense of community has been made in response to comments by Ash Morgan - studio head at Dojit Games and an organiser behind networking event Game Dev Midlands.

"No one talks," Morgan explained to earlier this week.

"TIGA has started to run events but only senior people attend them. Lots of people talked about their recent Leamington Spa event but only about 20 people showed up."

Community spirit

In reply, TIGA CEO Richard Wilson has issued a statement echoing Morgan's insistence on the value of community meet-ups.

"I totally agree that developers need to network more," Wilson began.

"That's why TIGA has previously supported GameDev North in its endeavours and why we also organise our own networking events around the UK."


The two men are in agreement on the value of developer events, then, although Wilson insists that TIGA's efforts in this department are more popular than Morgan made out.

"Our events are open to members and non-members and some are free to attend," Wilson continued.

"Our Leamington Spa event, for example, was free and in fact had more than 40 attendees, and was popular with the people who came along.

"TIGA has organised another GameDev night in Guildford tomorrow between 6pm and 9.30pm at Stevens & Bolton LLP, Wey House, Farnham Rd, Guildford. Developers come along, it's free to attend."