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Immersion releases app to teach devs how to best use haptic feedback

Haptic Muse highlights 124 pre-set effects
Immersion releases app to teach devs how to best use haptic feedback

Immersion has released a new app to help game developers better implement haptic feedback features.

Called the Haptic Muse, the preview app illustrates 124 pre-designed haptic effects so developer can see (and feel) best practise using the company's SDK.

Shake it about

The app is themed as a museum with different galleries highlighting game genres and use cases. Examples include sports, combat, casino and transportation.

In these galleries, you can select items and then watch, hear and feel them come to life.

"We designed the Haptic Muse as a way to provide both experienced and new game developers with a fun, interactive tool to assess which tactile effects work best for their games, as well as to illustrate the capabilities of integrating video, audio and haptics," said Suzanne Nguyen, director of developer marketing at Immersion.

Used by the likes of Rockstar, HandyGames and Sega in their Android titles, the Immersion SDK is available for free download.

It's also been integrated into tools such as Unity, Marmalade and GameMaker Studio.

You can get Haptic Muse here