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Unity unveils Unity Cloud, including analytics, cross-promotion and advertising

2D Tools also revealed
Unity unveils Unity Cloud, including analytics, cross-promotion and advertising

During the first day of Unity's Unite 2013 conference, the San Francisco-based company unveiled two new tools to help developers get the most out of its platform.

As previously announced in the keynote, Unity Cloud, is a suite of online services designed to help developers of any size acquire new players, monetise their games, and promote their products.

Currently in beta, Unity Cloud will also provide analytics and marketing capabilities.

As an added bonus, there's no need for native SDK integration as Unity Cloud will use a developer's existing Unity Developer Network account.

The initial version of Unity Cloud will allow developers to run advertising in their iOS and Android mobile games and exchange installs with other Unity developers.

If you're interested in learning more, or enrolling in the beta, you can click here for additional information.

A 2D toolbox

The second major unveiling was the new 2D Tools package which addresses the rising demand for '2D first' tools and workflow changes created by the huge boom in the indie mobile development scene.

2D Tools, also currently in beta, will be released in the Unity 4.3 update this autumn, with many of its tools included in the free version of Unity.

The new 2D Tools workflow improvements begins with a dedicated scene view, and continues with a new sprite texture importer type that allows for the easy importing and manipulation of 2D assets.

Finally, 2D Tools introduces the specialised Box2D physics engine into Unity which means developers of 2D games can expect better performance, more stable simulation and smaller game builds.