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10 videos from Pocket Gamer Connects London 2019's Monetiser track

Track sponsored by Bango
10 videos from Pocket Gamer Connects London 2019's Monetiser track

Miss the Monetiser track at Pocket Gamer Connects London 2019? Or want to rewatch your favourite sessions?

Don't worry, we've got you covered, as we've published all the sessions to our YouTube channel for you to enjoy.


This series of talks from the Monetiser, which was sponsored by Bango, features speakers from the likes of Facebook, Voodoo, MoPub, Outfit7, Unity and more.

Here’s an overview of the topics covered:

  • Lifetime value forecast – How to predict your game's revenue
  • App search marketing – How to conquer this new frontier
  • Hyper-casual monetisation versus long-term retention monetisation
  • SpeedPanel: Ad monetisation takes over the world
  • Understand the complete mobile user journey – Attract brands in your games, drive revenue
  • Understanding game genre for smarter monetisation
  • Debunking header bidding in mobile apps
  • How to acquire two-times more paying users by partnering with mobile operators
  • Voodoo and MoPub deconstruct the hyper-casual phenomenon
  • How to monetise with Facebook Audience Network

If you like what you see, you can register for Pocket Gamer Connects Seattle 2019, taking place on May 13th to 14th 2019, to see brand new sessions and network with industry experts in person.

Click the link below to watch the videos from PGC London 2019.

Lifetime value forecast – How to predict your game's revenue


Devtodev Lead Analyst Vera Karpova delivers a Monetiser session at Pocket Gamer Connects London 2019 on January 21st to 22nd.

Lifetime Value (LTV) forecast is a crucial element of developing your game’s business strategy. Once you know how much money players bring you during their lifetime, you know how much you can spend to acquire them and which channels are the most effective. In this session, we will talk about key approaches to calculating LTV and how to avoid tricky mistakes while looking into the future.

The Monetiser track was sponsored by Bango.

If you want to hear more world-class speakers sharing their insight and expertise in person, our next event is Pocket Gamer Connects Seattle 2019, which takes place on May 13th to 14th 2019.

App search marketing – How to conquer this new frontier


Redbox Mobile Founder Rory Mudie delivers a Monetiser session at Pocket Gamer Connects London 2019 on January 21st to 22nd.

The Monetiser track was sponsored by Bango.

If you want to hear more world-class speakers sharing their insight and expertise in person, our next event is Pocket Gamer Connects Seattle 2019, which takes place on May 13th to 14th 2019.

Hyper-casual monetisation versus long-term retention monetisation


Our panel of games industry experts delivers a Monetiser session at Pocket Gamer Connects London 2019 on January 21st to 22nd.

The panel includes:

  • Guy Singh VP, Product Marketing, Bango
  • Ian Verchere, Co-Founder, Session Games
  • Kim Bolsoni, Publishing Account Director, MoPub
  • Christopher Kassulke, Co-Founder & CEO, HandyGames
  • Jules Minvielle, Chief Strategy Officer, Ogury

The Monetiser track was sponsored by Bango.

If you want to hear more world-class speakers sharing their insight and expertise in person, our next event is Pocket Gamer Connects Seattle 2019, which takes place on May 13th to 14th 2019.

SpeedPanel: Ad monetisation takes over the world


Our panel of experts delivers a Monetiser session at Pocket Gamer Connects London 2019 on January 21st to 22nd.

The panel includes:

  • Dan Laughlin, SVP & General Manager, HyprMX
  • Akin Babayigit, Co-Founder, Tripledot Studios
  • Anette Staloy, VP of Business & Marketing, Dirtybit
  • Elizaveta Kostyukhina, Head of User Acquisition, Supersolid
  • Enric Pedró, CMO, Lab Cave

The Monetiser track was sponsored by Bango.

If you want to hear more world-class speakers sharing their insight and expertise in person, our next event is Pocket Gamer Connects Seattle 2019, which takes place on May 13th to 14th 2019.

Understand the complete mobile user journey – Attract brands in your games, drive revenue


Ogury chief strategy officer Jules Minvielle delivers a Monetiser session at Pocket Gamer Connects London 2019 on January 21st to 22nd.

99% of the mobile user journey of your audience takes place outside of your games. With so much user activity left unmapped, the opportunity to boost user engagement, retention, attract brands and drive revenue is being missed.

Join Ogury’s Co-Founder & CSO, Jules Minvielle, to uncover the power of your ‘App Universe’ and reveal how first-party mobile user journey data – and the precious insights drawn from it – can help you increase ad relevance, identify high value users, and drive incremental revenue.

The Monetiser track was sponsored by Bango.

If you want to hear more world-class speakers sharing their insight and expertise in person, our next event is Pocket Gamer Connects Seattle 2019, which takes place on May 13th to 14th 2019.

Understanding game genre for smarter monetisation


Unity Technologies Senior Client Partner, Managed Accounts, EMEA, Fatma Burcu Ozcengiz delivers a Monetiser session at Pocket Gamer Connects London 2019 on January 21st to 22nd.

The Monetiser track was sponsored by Bango.

If you want to hear more world-class speakers sharing their insight and expertise in person, our next event is Pocket Gamer Connects Seattle 2019, which takes place on May 13th to 14th 2019.

Debunking header bidding in mobile apps


Outfit7 Deputy VP of Advertising & Store Relations Anel Ćeman and IQzone COO Dilpesh Parmar deliver a Monetiser session at Pocket Gamer Connects London 2019 on January 21st to 22nd.

We’re excited about the sessions as header bidding is a huge buzz word these days in mobile apps. Yet we know from our many conversations each week with publishers and ad networks that there are still tons of questions about what the true potential is for this product in-app. And the reality is most publishers simply do not understand the technology, full stop. So Dilpesh and Anel will try to shed some light on these questions.

The Monetiser track was sponsored by Bango.

If you want to hear more world-class speakers sharing their insight and expertise in person, our next event is Pocket Gamer Connects Seattle 2019, which takes place on May 13th to 14th 2019.

How to acquire two-times more paying users by partnering with mobile operators


Bango VP Product Marketing Guy Singh delivers a Monetiser session at Pocket Gamer Connects London 2019 on January 21st to 22nd.

This talk offers:

  • Case studies showing how app developers partnered with mobile network operators to increase acquisition of higher LTV users
  • How to identify and reach users based on their buying behavior and preferences
  • Accelerating entry and growth in regions by leveraging the reach of mobile operators (billions of captive users)

The Monetiser track was sponsored by Bango.

If you want to hear more world-class speakers sharing their insight and expertise in person, our next event is Pocket Gamer Connects Seattle 2019, which takes place on May 13th to 14th 2019.

Voodoo and MoPub deconstruct the hyper-casual phenomenon


MoPub’s Vincent Pagnard-Jourdan and Voodoo's Céline Droit deliver a Monetiser session at Pocket Gamer Connects London 2019 on January 21st to 22nd.

You won’t want to miss their insights into how (and why) mobile gaming business models have evolved, what makes a hyper-casual hit, and what ingredients you need to build, launch, and monetise a successful hyper-casual title in 2019.

The Monetiser track was sponsored by Bango.

If you want to hear more world-class speakers sharing their insight and expertise in person, our next event is Pocket Gamer Connects Seattle 2019, which takes place on May 13th to 14th 2019.

How to monetise with Facebook Audience Network


Facebook Partner Manager, EMEA Gaming Alessio Aristide Di Salvo and Head of EMEA, Publisher SMB, Ben Atherton deliver a Monetiser session at Pocket Gamer Connects London 2019 on January 21st to 22nd.

The Monetiser track was sponsored by Bango.

If you want to hear more world-class speakers sharing their insight and expertise in person, our next event is Pocket Gamer Connects Seattle 2019, which takes place on May 13th to 14th 2019.