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The PG.Biz Hot Five: No go MeeGo, Tapjoy taps up Android, and EA's fluid financials

Last week's top 5 stories

Welcome to's weekly rundown of the stories clocking up the hits, picking up the click-throughs and generally keeping the advertisers happy by serving up page views.

Or, if you'd prefer, the top five stories currently dominating our readers' attention.

Each week, we'll be counting down the biggest news from the previous seven days, giving just a glimpse of the industry's big issues, from five to one.

Tapjoy promotes Android app discovery with App Wars event

On the back of its recent run in with Apple, ad optimisation specialist Tapjoy announced an evening get together focusing on app discovery, engagement and monetisation on Android, dubbed App Wars at Google's I/O event.

Joining Tapjoy's CEO Mihir Shah as confirmed speakers will be Charles Hudson from developer Bionic Panda, Brian Choo from MyTown studio Booyah, Michael Oiknine from analytics specialist Apsalar, and an as-yet to be confirmed person from games publisher Com2uS.

Click here to read more.

Apple blocks user reviews for games downloaded with promo codes

Another week, another Apple scandal, though this time the firm's apparent decision to block users who download games from promo codes from posting reviews on the App Store makes less sense, if only because the number of codes any one developer can give out is limited.

There's some debate as to how far the 'review block' extends, though Apple did confirm the change in policy to a particularly inquisitive TouchArcade forum user.

Click here to read more.

Nokia unsuccessfully hawked MeeGo to HTC, RIM, Samsung and Motorola

Though it had appeared co-creator Intel was the only party touting its troubled MeeGo platform at OEMs, news broke last week suggesting that Nokia, itself now focused on Windows Phone 7, had attempted to get some of its biggest rivals on board as it scaled back its own backing.

The Finnish firm reportedly tried to entice HTC, Samsung, Motorola and even RIM into picking up the platform, though to no avail.

Click here to read more.

EA Mobile sees Q4 sales jump 27% as FY11 revenues reach $230 million

In a week when a not insignificant portion of its profits were used to acquire Firemint, news of EA Mobile's FY 2011 financials proved popular, with revenues hitting $230 million - up 8 percent.

More impressive, however, is the division's $70 million of revenue booked during Q4, up 27 percent year-on-year, or 19 percent compared to the previous sequential Christmas period.

Click here to read more.

Fluik Entertainment's Office Jerk hits 1.6 million downloads in first 4 days

Topping the chart this week is the news that Fluik Entertainment's free release Office Jerk had amassed 1.6 million downloads in the game's first four days on the App Store.

The title topped the charts in 23 countries, placing in the top five in 62 countries in all, with the studio claiming download numbers are continuing to rise.

Click here to read more.

And there's even more

Also proving popular last week was our weekly fix of the Mobile Gaming Mavens - last week discussing what's next for social mobile gaming platforms following GREE's buyout of OpenFeint - and our summary of the top 10 things we learned from AppNation 2011.

Until next week, Pocket Gamer pickers.