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Apple blocks user reviews for games downloaded with promo codes

Just when you thought things had settled down...

It's a change that may well have come into force when Apple tweaked its ranking algorithm, or it might have rolled out during the clamp down on incentivisation schemes.

Either way, it appears Apple is now blocking user reviews for games downloaded using promo codes.

The discovery was made by a TouchArcade forum user, who after contacting Apple complaining about the inability to post a review on the App Store  was informed that reviews of games obtained with promo codes are no longer possible.

Review reversal

"I am sorry to inform that it is no longer possible to rate or review an app if it was downloaded using a developer’s promotional code," said user was told by Apple.

"You can review this app by purchasing it on a different iTunes account using something other than a developer’s promotional code, such as a Gift Card, Gift Certificate, or other payment options."

The belief is, this latest rule change may have come into force following the suggestion that some developers hand out promo codes to consumers in return for positive App Store reviews.

A matter of time

In the interests of fairness, it appears Apple is no longer prepared to tolerate such activities, though there has been no official announcement regarding the move, and developers are already restricted as to the number of promo codes that can be generated to begin with.

It's also not clear how far back such a block extends. can report that we were able to rate and review an app we downloaded via promo code mid way through April, suggesting it might only impact on very recent releases.

Nonetheless, such a change would mirror Apple's recent opposition to app incentivisation schemes, which it's argued artificially hand apps a prominent ranking position on the App Store, depending on how much a studio is willing to spend.

[source: MacRumors]