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Tapjoy CEO Shah says Android user five times more valuable to advertisers than iOS user

Average conversion rate on the network 0.55%
Tapjoy CEO Shah says Android user five times more valuable to advertisers than iOS user

Ever since Apple trashed its effective and profitable incentivised download distribution model, app distribution outfit Tapjoy has been outspoken in its disapproval.

On the back of raising another $30 million - $51 million in 2011 to-date - CEO Mihir Shah continued to vent at the MobileBeat conference.

Focusing on how the move was restricting users, according to VentureBeat, Shah revealed Tapjoy had delivered 25.5 billion ad sessions in the first six months of 2011.

This resulted in 141 million actions in which a user did something such as installing an app or clicking on an ad; a conversion rate of 0.55 percent.

He said that when people downloaded an app, around a third interacted with that app after 30 days, the point being not all such downloads were carried out just to gain a reward such as in-game currency.

Value add

Breaking down activity between iOS and Android, Shah said even before Apple's move, Android was the more interesting ecosystem.

The average Android user had 137 advertised actions to choose between on Tapjoy, typically performing 4.2. On iOS, Tapjoy only offered 36 ads, resulting in 1.6 actions per user.

Breaking this down to the value of a user for advertisers, Shah said the average Android user on Tapjoy was worth five times as much as an iOS user; $1.17 to $0.24.

[source: VentureBeat]